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Advanced Placement®—English
Achieve AP® success with AMSCO® coursebooks
Make college-level content accessible to all students without sacrificing the rigor required for success.
Engage your students with carefully-selected unit anchor texts that serve as models and offer opportunities for in-depth analysis. Assess skills and build exam confidence and competence throughout the course with carefully crafted AP®-style multiple-choice questions, as well as essay, analysis, argument, and synthesis prompts. Evaluate final preparation with a complete summative test that mirrors the directions, timing, question formats, and content scope of the actual AP® exam.
All with the benefit of decades of AP® expertise with our team of veteran AP® teachers, Exam Readers, Test Item Writers, Table Leaders, and College Board Consultants!

New! Writing for the AP Exam: English Language and Composition
Free-response questions make up 55% of the overall score on the AP Language exam.
Provide students with a consistent plan for successfully approaching each FRQ type on exam day.
Explore curated reading lists that pair with AMSCO® AP® English coursebooks.
Teachers will first be excited about the straight talk and laser focus of these coursebooks. Next, they will appreciate how the writers expand that focus to improve all aspects of reading and writing. With texts and activities chosen to allow for scaffolded growth and diverse perspectives, there is something for learners at a variety of achievement levels and backgrounds.
”Dr. Brandon Abdon, Senior Author
Doctor of Arts, English
Advanced Placement® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board®, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, these products.
Titles in This Program
Program Features & Resources
The Promise and Challenge of Advanced Placement®
Prepare Students for Success
- Patterned after the most current AP® course and exam descriptions, AP® editions provide scaffolded instruction, high-quality texts, accessible content, and multiple practice opportunities—all necessary for success on the AP® exam.
- Students will learn to closely read a text, evaluate writing, and compose their own arguments—skills required in college, career, and civic life.
Detailed Alignment to College Board Frameworks
Successfully Navigate the AP® Course and Exam
- Each text has been carefully correlated to the corresponding AP® course and exam framework.
AP® English Language and Composition
AP® English Literature and Composition - Written and reviewed by College Board consultants and experienced instructors, our materials meticulously cover the entire course scope and expectations in the sequence provided by the College Board and within a concise narrative.
Making AP® Accessible to ALL Students
A Commitment to Equity and Excellence
- Making college-level content accessible to high school students is of the utmost importance in ensuring success.
- Each text is carefully written and designed to ensure all students comprehend key ideas, learn and use concept vocabulary, and build their analytical and writing skills.
Scaffolded Learning Tasks
- AMSCO® curriculum builds capacity, without sacrificing rigor, and supports students to develop the content knowledge and skills necessary to be successful.
- Essential unit questions help students focus on key learning targets.
- Challenging concepts are supported visually with engaging charts and graphics to improve student understanding.
- Close reading, evaluating writing, and On Your Own exercises provide targeted practice for all required skills.
- For AP® Lang: Writing to the Prompt features guide students to write effective argumentative paragraphs, providing instruction that builds to a complete essay response.
- For AP® Lit: Features on the writer's craft and the critic's craft strengthen creative and analytic skills.
AP® Classroom Reading Lists
- Increase engagement around the knowledge and skills students are learning in AP® English courses through the use of challenging and relevant novels and nonfiction.
- These reading lists were curated specifically to pair with our AMSCO® AP® English Language and Composition and AP® English Literature and Composition texts.
- The titles were selected from those excerpted in the texts as well as those suggested by the College Board and frequently used titles on the exams.
AP® Language Reading List
AP® Literature Reading List